Duke School of Medicine/Pratt School of Engineering Pilot Research Grant

Funding Agency: Duke School of Medicine Provost Office

The Marcus Center for Cellular Cures (MC3) is a joint initiative between Duke’s School of Medicine (SOM) and Pratt School of Engineering.  The Center seeks to develop transformative clinical therapies using cells, tissues, molecules, genes, and biomaterials to treat diseases and injuries currently lacking effective treatment.  The SOM and Pratt are partnering to support inter-institutional collaborative research teams.

This pilot program is designed to facilitate collaborative and novel translational research that applies or accelerates discovery into testing in clinical settings and/or optimizes current translational approaches.  Projects must demonstrate stakeholder engagement and a high translational potential with a clear path for continued development to move into clinical practice or other applications via subsequent grant support, new company formation, licensing, not-for-profit partnering, or other channels.

Application Submission Deadline: July 15, 2019

Areas of Interest:

MC3 is interested in the following types of translational research projects:

  • Projects developing new collaborative science teams with investigators from both SOM and Pratt.
  • Research that generates translational discoveries using novel cellular therapies to solve unmet clinical needs.
  • Research that applies or accelerates discovery into testing in clinical settings.
  • Research that optimizes current biomanufacturing methods

Potential areas of concentration are listed below; however, collaborations are not limited to these specified areas.

  • Harnessing mechanisms of endogenous repair
  • Manufacturing and delivery of cells, tissues, and biomaterials
  • Creating non-invasive in vivo imaging to monitor cell distribution and function

Eligibility Requirements

  • Proposed projects must involve a lead investigator from either the Duke SOM or Pratt with a secondary or Co-investigator from the other school. Proposals are encouraged from new teams of investigators from different disciplines.  Applicants at each institution must have a full-time faculty appointment and have principal investigator status per the specific institution’s written policy. (Duke’s Policy).  We encourage the inclusion of students and/or post-doctoral trainees in the application.
  • More than one proposal may be submitted per SOM or Pratt Faculty member acting as PI, but the faculty member is eligible to receive only one award as PI from this funding mechanism during a given funding cycle.
  • Interested investigators who need assistance in identifying collaborators can use Scholars@Duke or contact Duke CTSI (ctsifunding@duke.edu).



Amount Description

Funding for a total of three $25,000 1- year awards is available.

Funding Type




View the RFA for Full Proposal Requirements

External Deadline

July 15, 2019