How to donate cord blood to CCBB

The following steps outline the process for donating cord blood at a CCBB affiliated hospital.

  1. Review the Be The Match® eligibility assessment listed HERE.
  2. Talk to your doctor or midwife about your interest in donating to the public bank. Depending on when or where you deliver, many providers will perform the collection for us.
  3. When you arrive at the hospital, tell the labor and delivery team that you’d like to be a cord blood donor. Your nurse will contact the cord blood team.
  4. At the time of delivery, a CCBB team member will visit you to discuss the donation process & forms.
  5. Complete a consent form at the hospital.
  6. Complete a family and personal medical history questionnaire at the hospital.
  7. Give a sample of your blood to be tested for infectious diseases. This can usually be done when starting your IV or when obtaining other routine blood samples.
  8. Immediately after the delivery, either the physician or the CCBB technician will collect the cord blood.
  9. Collected units are then shipped to the CCBB Lab, on the Duke university campus, for processing. Units that meet all of the criteria will be banked.